STEAMbrace Project



The project to bridge the gender gap in STEM education in Europe

The STEAMbrace project aims to address the existing gender gap within fields by leveraging the potential of STEAM education. The project seeks to empower future European innovators, with a particular focus on encouraging participation among women. STEAMbrace wants to break boundaries and build bridges – literally – by establishing a European-wide alliance: the STEAM Alliance for Europe.

This project is not just about some run-of-the-mill educational activities, but about bringing together creative thinkers and evidence-based strategies to create a STEAM education methodology inclusive, sustainable, and socially impactful. To achieve this thrilling challenge, a diverse consortium of experts (including Cultural and Creative Industries, or CCIs) have teamed up to drive forces in innovation. The STEAMbrace project will collaborate with educational institutions and students between 11 and 18 years old to uncover the gaps and limitations in traditional STEM education. From country-specific training activities to empowering young women and rural students, the STEAMbrace aim is clear: to revolutionize STEAM education across Europe.

Facing the future



Set up the STEAM Alliance for Europe, the coordination network for STEAM education in Europe

Unravel the gaps in STEM education in Europe per country, age, gender, socio-cultural aspects,
Co-create and test STEAM training activities for 11-18 years old students to boost STEM studies & creative skills
Set up the preparatory actions towards the first STEAM week
Implement and monitor the pilot of the EU STEAM week: “STE(A)M week for future women innovators

Ensure the sustainability and reproducibility of project outcomes through solid exploitation activities

Maximize the project impact via strong dissemination and communication activities & clustering activities


Every great adventure comes with its obstacles. These issues are at the core of STEAMbrace’s mission to transform STEAM education across Europe. Here are the key challenges STEAMbrace is set to tackle head-on.

Rural educational disparities

Rural students face limited educational opportunities and career choices due to geographical and demographic factors. This affects education levels and regional development, leading to lower GDP and increased migration from rural areas.

Socio-economic barriers in education

Socio-economic background remains a strong predictor of educational attainment and future work prospects. While some EU education systems are effectively mitigating these effects, many still struggle to prevent performance differences among students, particularly in access to extra-curricular activities.


Gender gaps in STEM fields

Despite near gender parity among graduates, significant gender gaps persist in STEM fields. Women are underrepresented among scientists, engineers, and inventors, particularly in decision-making roles. This imbalance reflects complex social systems and cultural influences, resulting in a high gender equality SDG score and slow progress in reducing gender employment gaps across the EU

Beyond the project STEAMbrace

STEAMbrace is not just about education; it’s about shaping the future of Europe. Our project aims to create far-reaching and lasting effects that extend beyond the classroom. Through our innovative approach to STEAM education, we’re set to influence policy, society, and the economy in meaningful ways. Here are the key impacts we expect to achieve:

Enhancing cultural heritage and creative sectors

By 2032, STEAMbrace aims to deliver policy recommendations to multiple European countries, accelerating the inclusion of the STEAM approach in European education systems. This will harness the full potential of cultural heritage and creative sectors as drivers of sustainable innovation and European identity.

Supporting EU policies and global commitments

STEAMbrace will contribute significantly to several UN Sustainable Development Goals, including quality education, gender equality, and reduced inequalities. The project aligns with the European Education Area’s six dimensions, enhancing STEM education quality, promoting inclusivity, and fostering digital competencies.

Advancing rural development

The project will support the EU’s rural development initiatives by fostering knowledge transfer, applying innovative technologies, and promoting social inclusion in rural areas. This aligns with the priorities of Rural Development Programs and contributes to the economic prosperity of these regions.

Environmental sustainability

STEAMbrace complies with the Do Not Significant Harm (DNSH) principle, supporting environmentally friendly STEAM education practices. This approach aligns with the European Green Deal and contributes to climate resilience efforts.