The STEAM Alliance is the first coordination network to promote gender-responsive STEAM education at European level.
A diverse coallition:
Bringing together educators, policymakers, Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), and more.
Gender-responsive focus:
Championing inclusive STEAM education that encourages participation from all genders.
Cultural mainstreaming:
Incorporating creative approaches to make STEAM more accessible and engaging.
European-wide collaboration:
Fostering partnerships across the continent to share best practices and resources.
Building on existing initiatives:
Collaborating with established platforms like the EU STEM Coalition and STEM Alliance to amplify our impact.
The STEAM Alliance for Europe will serve as a hub for:
Knowledge sharing and best practices
Policy recommendations
Innovative educational approaches
Cross-sector collaborations
of STEAM careers
We are looking for schools and educational institutions, enterprises, research institutes, start-ups, CCIs, technological enterprises, SES, VET, HES, ST organizations, museums, and anyone interested in STEAM education from a business, research or training perspective.